Getting started


Type-safe translation strings for your JavaScript and TypeScript projects.

Why another localisation module?

Because it’s time for a internationalisation project which truly does not get in your way, does not import unnecessary features, and does not do unwanted actions.

This project does string interpolation and localisation, and lets you handle the rest.

Static validation

Wouldn’t it be great if your translation function auto-complete translation strings out-of-the-box? By using TypeScript analysis, this is quite possible indeed!

Consider this JSON message file:

  "authentication": {
    "Username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
    "Password": "Mot de passe",
    "Remember me": "Se souvenir de moi"

The following translator t will provide auto-completion for all available namespaces, and all strings withing the selected namespace:

import { translate } from '@foo-i18n/t';
import messages from './messages/fr.json';

const translator = translate(messages);
const t = translator('authentication');

// "Nom d'utilisateur"

Pretty normal looking, except that all arguments are provided through auto-completion. Any misspelling or missing translation strings will immediately be reported by TypeScript.